Ray Nagin Memorial Park

Junkyardblog has these pictures
of the future monument to
futility known as the Ray Nagin
memorial park.

Junkyardblog has other posts
that show more bus parking
lots under water in New Orleans.
If all these buses (he counts over
500 in this picture and another
picture) had been used around
20000 people could have been
bussed out in one trip before the

In the end there is plenty of blame to spread around for this
disaster though:

The adult population that was stuck in
New Orleans is mostly to blame for their
own plight. Everyone knew what would happen.
Hurricane Betsy gave a demo of what might
happen when she flooded the Ninth ward and
St. Bernard Parish. If you lived in New
Orleans as an adult and had no thought of a plan
except "the government will save me" then you pretty
much got what you deserved.

Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco are grossly incompetant and
if they were honorable would resign their positions. They had total
authority to evacuate the people, to demand that people evacuate,
to shove people onto the unused buses and make someone drive at
gunpoint if they had to. They had no need to wait for FEMA or
Bush or anyone. It was their responsibility to get the people out
of New Orleans and they failed in that.

The head of FEMA should be fired, and so should his boss at
Homeland Security. The Media can start to revise history to make
Bush responsible for everything, but I watched the head of Fema
on Fox last Sunday say that this was the disaster they have planned
for for 3 years, and everything was prepositioned to go in and
save the city. He can backtrack now:

"Saturday and Sunday, we thought it was a typical hurricane situation -- not to say it wasn't going to be bad, but that the water would drain away fairly quickly," Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Mike Brown said today. "Then the levees broke and (we had) this lawlessness. That almost stopped our efforts."

Brown said he understood the criticism of FEMA's effort -- U.S. Sen. David Vitter gave the agency an "F" for its work.

"Katrina was much larger than we expected," he said. "Am I frustrated? Yeah, I'm frustrated. You have to remember, this is a war zone. I can assure you we're doing everything we can. It is unacceptable to look on TV and see those people stranded. It breaks my heart."

But this is a lie. If Brown had watched Fox or CNN for 15 minutes
on Sunday that was all that was discussed was "filling the bowl".

Now the long-knives come out as the media begins to blame Bush
for a disaster that has been 40 years in the making. I don't agree
with this answer, there is plenty of blame for everyone though.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
well then,
I had reserved moral judgement for George Bush Jr. until the Katrina. I see you are steadfastedly defending the ineffectual leader. Have you watched any news stations that are from other than US companies? Now the entire world has the same questions I do. At least you agree that the response to Katrina was abyssmal. Regarding bussing the people of NO out prior to the hurricane. Bus them where? It's not like Houston was offering the Astrodome prior to katrina's arrival. Where do you put 20,000 to 200,000 people when you are trying to leave your city?
BTW, remenber all those civil liberties you happily gave up to Homeland Security to be 'safer'? FEMA is under Homeland security, is it not? they couldn't evacuate NO after ~75% of the city had already left. assume for a moment that instead of katrina this was a dirty bomb in a full city with no warning. How well do you think the evacuation would have gone then? Isn't this scenario so pitifully executed excatly what Homeland Security is for? Is not Bush responsible for ensuring that we can do something other wandering on by 5 days later? Yes, Bush. Bush is ultimately responsible, this is indisputable. yes the FEMA director is hopelessly incompetent and Blanco and Nagin are ill-prepared for what I thought was a foregone conclusion, a hurricane hitting NO. Apparentlty they thought it would hit sometime after they left public office.

The world's only superpower took 5 days to gain control after a natural disaster within its' own borders. Bush was on tour at the time. Katrina will be the 'Camille' of our time and Bush's reaction will be his 'Nixon tapes'. I wonder how his memorial libray will mention it?
bob renard
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about dallas carpet cleaning and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for dallas carpet cleaning related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website dallas carpet cleaning it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about carpet cleaning plano and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for carpet cleaning plano related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website carpet cleaning plano it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about allen carpet cleaning and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for allen carpet cleaning related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website allen carpet cleaning it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about carpet cleaning plano and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for carpet cleaning plano related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website carpet cleaning plano it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about allen carpet cleaning and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for allen carpet cleaning related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website allen carpet cleaning it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about allen carpet cleaning and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for allen carpet cleaning related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website allen carpet cleaning it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about allen carpet cleaning and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for allen carpet cleaning related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website allen carpet cleaning it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about carpet cleaning frisco and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for carpet cleaning frisco related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website carpet cleaning frisco it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about plano carpet cleaning and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for plano carpet cleaning related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website plano carpet cleaning it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about plano carpet cleaning and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for plano carpet cleaning related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website plano carpet cleaning it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about carpet cleaning plano and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for carpet cleaning plano related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website carpet cleaning plano it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about carpet cleaning plano and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for carpet cleaning plano related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website carpet cleaning plano it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about carpet cleaning frisco and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for carpet cleaning frisco related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website carpet cleaning frisco it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about plano carpet cleaning and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for plano carpet cleaning related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website plano carpet cleaning it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about carpet cleaning dallas and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for carpet cleaning dallas related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website carpet cleaning dallas it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hello Joe Im looking for sites with information about carpet cleaning frisco and found your site. Even though Ray Nagin Memorial Park is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for carpet cleaning frisco related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website carpet cleaning frisco it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
Thanks again
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hi Joe
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog Ray Nagin Memorial Park at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning plano site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning plano and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hi Joe
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog Ray Nagin Memorial Park at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At plano carpet cleaning site It pretty much covers plano carpet cleaning and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hi Joe
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog Ray Nagin Memorial Park at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning dallas site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning dallas and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hi Joe
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog Ray Nagin Memorial Park at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning frisco site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning frisco and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hi Joe
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog Ray Nagin Memorial Park at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At dallas carpet cleaning site It pretty much covers dallas carpet cleaning and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hi Joe
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog Ray Nagin Memorial Park at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning allen site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning allen and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hi Joe
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog Ray Nagin Memorial Park at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning frisco site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning frisco and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hi Joe
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog Ray Nagin Memorial Park at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At allen carpet cleaning site It pretty much covers allen carpet cleaning and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hi Joe
I was look at some different blogs to get an idea of how they work because I'am new at using blogs. Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning blog Ray Nagin Memorial Park at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning plano site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning plano and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hi Joe
I was look at some different blogs Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning website Ray Nagin Memorial Park at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning dallas site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning dallas and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hi Joe
I was look at some different blogs Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning website Ray Nagin Memorial Park at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning dallas site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning dallas and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hi Joe
I was look at some different blogs Im glad I stoped at ur site I found it intersting thanks for read

I have a carpet cleaning website Ray Nagin Memorial Park at http://www.carpet-cleaning-dallas-allen-frisco-plano-texas.com

If you have any problem stains in Your carpet at home u can check out my carpet cleaning website for tips on carpet stain removal
At carpet cleaning dallas site It pretty much covers carpet cleaning dallas and related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Take Care And Thanks
Sterling Myers
Anonymous said…
Hey Great Blog! Need any information on cleaning Check out my web site dallas carpet cleaners it relates to dallas carpet cleaners

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