Closing out the programs
I finally got to see the revenge of the sith. I might mark myself as an uber-geek, but I really liked it. There were some sucky clunky parts (who made Natalie Portman so ugly and why?). But you had to love Yoda crawling through a tunnel to escape, I wasn't sure if it looked more like bruce willis in Die Hard ("come out to the coast, we'll have some laughs) or a typical scene from Star Trek in the Jeffries tube. The main thing is that Lucas created a fairly plausible story that showed all the things that were implied back in 1977, such as 'Vader was created when fighting Kenobi in Lava', or 'Palpatine killed all the Jedi'. It wasn't perfect, but it did a much better job than I expected given all the whining and gnashing of teeth I've read about. Also I liked that I got to see the film, since I got sent offshore unexpectedly the day it was released, I was slightly worried that I'd get killed offshore and my tombstone would read: loser-who ne...