Rodeo Houston

I got a free trip to the rodeo last night. The company has a suite
there at reliant stadium, and a friend had a spare ticket and some
clients he wanted me to meet. Nice place, free food, free alchohol,
just a little too high for my viewing pleasure...I spent most of the
night watching the big screen monitors instead of the live action.

I could have done that from home, just without the free food and
alchohol. The other big benefit of the suite, and the reason it is called
that is there is a bathroom in the suite. I started to walk out into
the thronging mass of people to go find a bathroom somewhere, when
I noticed the open door to our bathroom. Sweet!

The rodeo action was pretty interesting. I didn't really know what is 'good'
though, I had the same feeling I get when I watch hockey. Lots of
fast action, but I can't really tell what the heck is going on. The part I liked
best was the chuck wagon races, like nascar with horses. Or maybe more
like the scene from Ben Hur, I kept expecting the chuck wagons to have
spikes on the wheels to destroy the spokes of their opponents wheels.
Oh well, maybe that wouldn't be too family friendly.

John Fogarty was the musical act. Fucking awesome. Just like CCR.
The closeup from the camera showed what looked like a hint of boredom
(who wouldn't be after 30 years), but he still put lots of energy into each
song. I jerked awake this morning with the words "you got to hideehideehide"
rattling in my brain, and I was back in high school.

ARTIST: John Fogerty
TITLE: The Old Man Down the Road
Lyrics and Chords

He take the thunder from the mountain
He take the lightning from the sky
He bring the strong man to his begging knee
He make the young girl's mama cry

/ Em7 Em - - / / C - Em - / 1st /

You got to hidey-hide
You got to jump and run
You got to hidey-hidey-hide
The old man is down the road

/ " / / / C - B7 - Em - - - /

He got the voices speak in riddles
He got the eye as black as coal
He got a suitcase covered with rattlesnake hide
And he stands right in the road

{Refrain} to jump up run away...

He make the river call your lover
He make the barking of the hound
Put a shadow 'cross the window
When the old man comes around

{Refrain} to jump up run again...

The old man is down the road

sorry, my bad, it's hidey-hidey-hide...

the old CCR stuff was great too.


Anonymous said…
The thing I don't like about the rodeo concerts is that they artists are only allowed to play for about an hour. My fiance and I went last year to see Skynyrd and were disappointed to have a 1 hour performance on a small stage. Then again, for only $20/ticket, I guess we couldn't have expected too much.

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