The Rules from Big Picture, Small Office
One of my favorite business blogs is "Big Picture, Small Office"
It's almost always wise and funny, and I almost always learn
something when I visit there. He recently posted his "12 rules"
when someone requested that he do so after he mentioned 4 of them
in a post. Pretty good advice:
To each, I gave a parting gift: twelve things to remember when put to the test. Atop the list:
The Twelve Rules, neatly scribed and laminated, begin with what I believe is the fundamental basis for success in a senior management position and that is to remember what got you there in the first place:
- Be not simply good. Be good for something.
- Do not wish to be anything but what you are and try to be that perfectly.
-Never poke a tiger with a short stick
- Have more than you show. Speak less than you know.
- Do not choose to be wrong for the sake of being different.
- Think like a person of action. Act like a person of thought.
- Help with deeds, not words.
- Pick battles that are big enough to matter and small enough to win.
- Never cut what you can untie.
- Go out on a limb, for that is where the fruit is.
- Aim for achievement. Success will follow.
Last, but certainly not least, is the need for those who would be leaders to retain both humility and humanity:
- Remember always that, with one trifling exception, the world is composed of others.
These rules, if not original, are timeless and, I am pleased to say, continue to grace the walls of those to whom they were given.