Gin and Gatorade

I just spent the day at my Aunt Alma's funeral. The really saddening thing about the funeral was that she always seemed to be the person in charge of all the previous funerals, either for my grandmother or my aunts and uncles who went before her, or any other event for that matter. For some reason I expected to see her there at the funeral home, saying something like "here comes My Joe" as I walked in. Until we arrived at the funeral home and she wasn't there, her death hadn't really sunk in.

She was always funny, with a sarcastic wit that could zap the skin off of the unwary. And she was always kind, she invited all of us, brothers, sisters and cousins over to her house every year at July 4th and labor day to go swimming. Apparently we weren't the richest family in the world, since swimming in Aunt Alma's swimming pool provided the heights of several summers that I can remember.

Anyway, it turns out that Gin and gatorade mix pretty well. which was lucky since all I have handy is a bottle of Gin, and the only mixers are either tap water or Gatorade.


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