Southpark fights for freedom
I just finished off the last of the barbados rum while watching southpark. The cartoon that looks so stupid and unprofessional is one of the few bastions of liberal western thought. Defending free speech instead of sticking heads in the sand is what the media should be in the lead doing. Instead it's left to a cut-out construction paper cartoon to carry the torch and hopefully help save our freedoms. Political correctness has most likely killed western civilization. It starts with veiled threats..."you must respect our religion". Then in some places, people are killed for making a movi e that 'disrespects' islam. Then the slippery slope that the gun nuts and the abortion nuts are always so worried about takes hold and soon we'll be forced to write pbuh after the word mohammed. My feeling after reading the essay below by dan simmons about the future, was that most people feel that the united states can't lose, we can half-heartedly wage war and allow th...